Sunday, May 29, 2011

What happens ,Just Happens .

So Recap on my past couple days ,
Friday was amazing fiesta with some of my closest friends . I got to catch up with some good old friends and met new friends. It was one of those nights where your just high off life , Enjoy the rides and have some delicioooouusss food . Just don't eat and go on rides after , You'll end up being the girl who is holding one of her best-friends hair while her head is in the trash can. Its just . . . No Bueno . >.<
Saturday started off great , But its crazy how a good night can turn into a bad one based of dumb decisions thats just the way it goes  live and let learn . Brush it off , Have no fear , Even if im grounded at the moment and don't have my phone i'll get through it . Their would be no learnin' now if everyone followed the rules and never went a couple steps off their road . But anywhoooo, Saturday .. it was good minus all the late night Yelling from my parents. It was good went to the fiesta again aha,Tried my first cumquat it was pretty scrumptious ,Went swimming with some friends , jumped on a trampoline for a little, &' Looked at the stars Sooo cliche .
Sunday , now its sunday . . . Sundays will never ever be my day , Wake me up at 9:00 in the morning to go to church look out you are guaranteed to have one of the grumpiest , meanest ,back talking teenagers in the LDS building .. Yeah thats right , if you didn't know im Mormon . &' LDS isn't the actual name of the church its just shortened so we dont have to say "The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints".So if your looking for a couple inspirational ,personal ,well planned talks and some of the worlds GREATEST deserts ,foods and some pretty nice people,You found the right place. And well if you didn't get the hint im in trouble right now and the one day I kinda payed attention in church they just happen to be singing a song called "Chose the right",And the first line of the song is "Choose the right when a choice is placed before you",If only that song could pop into my head whenever im about to make some dumb decisions. And im not one to be religious i'll go with the flow and maybe take a different course and look into something else one day but, Someone also quoted something today that really got me thinking and they said; 
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. 
Its crazy how some of the littlest words and quotes can change my perspective on things .
Well leaving you with that,im off gonna go enjoy my grounding that i am blessed to have on this four day weekend . (That was definitely scarcastic for those of you who dont understand my sarcasm) GREAT -_______-  . . . Maybe i can convince my parents to take a little family trip to city walk (: 

Until next time Amanda Kellie Andrews. <3 

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